S l ' M M A K Y tclemonitoring System for heart failure patients has been developed and tested within a clinical pilot tnal system consists ofa paticnt tcrminal based >ii \V \P cnablcd mobile phones, a web-based physician (crmmal and a monitoring centre. During the study 1 1 heart t a i lu ro patients ( l f, 55±I2 years) were monitored at loasi three months beginning with the initiation o fa beta blocker therapy. During a cumulative monitoring period öl *)()8 days 1X04 data transfer Session have been pertormed by the patients. Vital parameters like blood pressure. heart rate, body weight äs well äs medication and well being have been acquired by the patients each da\ in the morning. Remarkable variations and trends \\ere automatieally reported to the responsible physician by comparison with individual thresholds. The results show, that the System Supports efficient and secure monitoring of the sensitive initiation phase of beta blocker therapy with acceptable efforts for patients and phvsicians.