Transport properties in concentrated polymer solutions

Transport properties of polymer solutions at finite concentration are derived in the partial draining case by formulating a static version of the theory given by Freed and Edwards (FE) for unentangled concentrated polymer solution. The method follows the Kirkwood—Riseman theory for infinitely dilute solutions: the dynamics of the polymer are ignored apart from the overall rotation or translation of the chain and the solvent velocity is given by the Navier—Stokes equations perturbed by point friction forces. The concentration dependence of viscosity and translational friction coefficient of finite chains obtained by numerical calculations are compared with the results of the FE closed-form solution. It is shown that the screening of the hydrodynamic interaction approximately follows Debye-like behavior in the entire range of concentration. The progressive balancing of the increasing intramolecular hydrodynamic interaction with its reduction due to the screening effects, as the molecular weight increases, is well evidenced by comparing results obtained at constant number concentration for different chain lengths.