Online algorithms for page replication in rings

In the page replication problem for a distributed shared memory system one has to decide which subset of the processors should hold each read-only page in order to ensure low total access cost. Albers and Koga (J. Algorithms 27 (1998) 75–96) studied the problem in rings with arbitrary node distances and showed a 4-competitive deterministic online algorithm and 2e=(e−1)≈ 3:16396-competitive randomized online algorithm against an oblivious adversary. In this paper we give new online algorithms for the page replication problem in equally spaced rings. We present a deterministic algorithm which is 3-competitive and a randomized algorithm which for su5ciently large page sizes attains a competitive ratio of √ e=( √ e−1)≈ 2:5415 against an oblivious adversary. c © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.