Visions of Nonlinear Science in the 21st Century: Festschrift Dedicated to Leon O. Chua on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
Chua's circuit and the qualitative theory of dynamical systems, C. Mira nonlinear science and the laws of nature, I. Prigogine visions of synergetics, H. Haken mathematical problems of nonlinear dynamics - a tutorial, L. Shilnikov experimental nonlinear physics, W. Lauterborn et al nonlinear physics - integrability, chaos and beyond, M. Lakshmanan nonlinear science - the impact of biology, A.V. Holden nonlinear computation, R. Seydel nonlinear numerics, E. Doedel some historical aspects of nonlinear dynamics - possible trends for the future, C. Mira control and applications of chaos, C. Grebogi et al quantum dot devices and quantum-dot cellular autonoma, W. Porod CNN - a paradigm for complexity, L.O. Chua.