In another study, Brendan Cantwell and I (2010) identified ways that Asian postdocs are systematically channeled to unsecure, short-term contracts while White nationals are groomed toward faculty positions [ ]examples over the past 2 years are as follows: * Sweeping political rhetoric of Chinese researchers and graduate students as spies * Visa limits for Chinese graduate students in high-tech fields to 1-5 years * Visa exclusions for those with ties to the Chinese Community Party and Chinese military * FBI-University protocols to monitor Chinese scientists and scholars (Lee & Haupt, 2020a, 2020b) In response, there have been mounting calls from major organizations and university leaders that the federal government is engaging in racial profiling According to Margaret Lewis (2020), a negative stereotype is being built and reinforced that stigmatizes anyone who has any quality of being "likeChina" (Zhang, 2020, para 5) There also have been several high-profile cases of Chinese scientists being wrongfully accused of spying, and although these charges were dropped or the scientists were exonerated, such attempts led to "devastating effects" on the individuals' careers as well as the broader Chinese American scientific community (Committee of 100, 2019)
John P. Haupt,et al.
Scientific Collaboration on COVID-19 Amidst Geopolitical Tensions between the US and China
The Journal of Higher Education.
Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez,et al.
We are More Than Your Paycheck
Jenny J. Lee,et al.
Winners and losers in US-China scientific research collaborations
Tatiana Suspitsyna,et al.
The Chinese International Student as a (Post)Colonial Other: An Analysis of Cultural Representations of a US Media Discourse
The Review of Higher Education.
Jenny J. Lee,et al.
International Graduate Student Labor as Mergers and Acquisitions
Journal of International Students.
Jenny J. Lee.
Neo-nationalism in higher education: case of South Africa
V. Andreotti,et al.
Cash, competition, or charity: international students and the global imaginary
Jenny J. Lee,et al.
Welcome to America? International student perceptions of discrimination