TETE: an intelligent knowledge testing engine (poster)
There were two actions which resulted in the project named TETE - An Intelligent Knowledge Testing Engine". The first one was launched by Polish Ministry of Education which aimed at starting "teleteaching" (a kind of Open University) in Poland. Poznan University of Technology was proposed to start distant courses in the field of Informatics (see [3]). The other stimulant for the project was the ECDL project. In 1996 CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies) has decided to promote a Finnish idea of Computer Driving Licence and named it "European Computer Driving Licence" (ECDL). ECDL is a set of examinations - the same across Europe - which defines a certain standard of knowledge and skills necessary for effective usage of computers. In 1997 the authors started work on a computer system which would be used in distant education courses on ECDL. We focused our work on intelligent kernel for computer-aided learning system. Important feature of the system is the ability to work on-line as well as a standalone system for knowledge presentation and self-assessment. Structure of the TETE kernel allows to use it with wide variety of courses. TETE uses a web browser (e.g. Netscape) as a presentation tool and it consists of the following modules:• a progress database keeping track of the student's behaviour (e.g. student's answers, time between subsequent lessons and test sessions, forgetting curve etc.) which defines student's perception profile• an intelligent question selection and scheduling engine making decision on the basis of the progress data and description of available knowledge units and test questions;• student's time manager• progress reporter• smart pre-loader of web pages