Average power handling capability of multilayer microstrip lines

This article describes the average power handling capability (APHC) of multilayer microstrip lines, including the effect of mismatch at the terminations. The data presented herein are validated by considering an example of a 12-W monolithic microwave integrated circuit power amplifier fabricated using multilayer low-loss microstrip technology. The calculated value of APHC for a 50-Ω line of a 75-μm-thick GaAs substrate is 1445 W at 10 GHz, whereas the corresponding value for a multilayer microstrip that has 10-μm-thick polyimide is only 44 W. At 40 GHz, these values are reduced by a factor of 2. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 11: 385–395, 2001.