Discordance between gene regulation in vitro and in vivo.
Mam m alian gene expression can be regu lated by cell type, developm ental stage, and num erous external stimuli. Regulation is b rough t about by a complex interaction of cisacting DNA sequences and trans acting factors. Considerable effort has been expended to iden tify and characterize regulatory DNA sequences and to understand the basic m echanism s by which they exert their actions. Traditionally, the transcriptional activities o f putative prom oters and regulatory sequences have been m easured by transfections into cultured cells o f various DNA constructs consisting o f these sequences fused to a repo rte r gene and subsequent quan tita tion of repo rte r gene expression. This ap proach has provided a great deal o f inform a tion concerning the sequences m ediating the expression of genes in various cell types in re sponse to physiologic perturbations such as horm ones —and, to a lesser extent, during spe cific developm ental stages, such as the fusion o f myoblasts to form myotubes. Given the complexity o f biological processes in vivo, however, a question arises w hether reg ulatory elem ents identified in cultured cells accurately explain the regulation o f gene ex pression in vivo. This becomes particularly im po rtan t in considering the use o f im m ortalized cell lines or prim ary cultures, whose patterns o f gene expression often differ significantly from those o f the intact tissue. O ne way to evaluate the relevance o f in vitro transfection studies to gene regulation in vivo is to create transgenic anim als using constructs that have also been tested in cultured cells. This approach requires the generation o f several in dependent mouse lines for each construct under study, an expensive and time-consuming u n d e r taking com pared with transfections into cul tu red cells. O ne alternative to transgenic mice that may approxim ate in vivo gene regulation m ore closely than cell culture transfections is the injection of DNA sequences linked to re porters into cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue in vivo (Kitsis et al., 1991). However, this gene transfer technique appears to be lim ited to stri ated muscle cells (Wolff et ah, 1991). Regardless o f w hether gene regulation is studied in vitro or in vivo, the state of the for eign DNA may influence the regulation of its expression. W ith transient transfections into cul tu red cells o r injections of DNA into muscle in vivo (Wolff, et ah, 1990), the construct being tested exists in an episom al state. The geom et ric configuration of the regulatory sequences in the construct may differ m arkedly from its natural configuration in the endogenous locus. This, in turn , may influence regulation o f the expression of the construct. In addition, an episome will not be subject to regulatory in fo r m ation that may reside in the chrom atin con figuration. O n the o ther hand, with stably transfected cells and transgenic animals, the con struct undergoes integration into random chro m osom al sites whose chrom atin configuration may differ from that o f the endogenous locus. In fact, the im portance of long-range chrom o some effects is supported by the existence of locus control regions (LCR), such as those seen in the p globin gene com plex (see Grosveld, et