Handbook of educational psychology

[1]  H. Kay Teaching Machines , 1961, Nature.

[2]  P. Eckert Adolescent social categories—Information and science learning. , 1990 .

[3]  B. Muthén,et al.  How to Use a Monte Carlo Study to Decide on Sample Size and Determine Power , 2002 .

[4]  G. Hendrickson,et al.  Transfer of training in learning to hit a submerged target. , 1941 .

[5]  Mike Thelwall,et al.  Google Scholar citations and Google Web/URL citations: A multi-discipline exploratory analysis , 2007, J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol..

[6]  C. Nass,et al.  Are People Polite to Computers? Responses to Computer-Based Interviewing Systems1 , 1999 .

[7]  W. Kintsch Text comprehension, memory, and learning. , 1994, The American psychologist.

[8]  V. Anfara,et al.  Qualitative Analysis on Stage: Making the Research Process More Public , 2002 .

[9]  J. Confrey A Review of the Research on Student Conceptions in Mathematics, Science, and Programming , 1990 .

[10]  L. Schauble,et al.  Design Experiments in Educational Research , 2003 .

[11]  Gerald Knezek,et al.  Tools for Analyzing Quantitative Data , 2014 .

[12]  T. P. Carpenter,et al.  Using Knowledge of Children’s Mathematics Thinking in Classroom Teaching: An Experimental Study , 1989 .

[13]  Daphne Bavelier,et al.  Action game play as a tool to enhance perception, attention and cognition. , 2011 .

[14]  Balachander Krishnamurthy,et al.  Key differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 , 2008, First Monday.

[15]  Christine Greenhow,et al.  Like, Comment, Share: Collaboration and Civic Engagement Within Social Network Sites , 2013 .

[16]  Emanuel A. Schegloff,et al.  Conversation analysis and socially shared cognition , 1991, Perspectives on socially shared cognition.

[17]  David Brown Going Digital and Staying Qualitative: Some Alternative Strategies for Digitizing the Qualitative Research Process , 2002 .

[18]  L. Resnick,et al.  Assessing the Thinking Curriculum: New Tools for Educational Reform , 1992 .

[19]  Charles Anderson,et al.  The end of theory: The data deluge makes the scientific method obsolete , 2008 .

[20]  Giyoo Hatano,et al.  Sharing cognition through collective comprehension activity , 1991, Perspectives on socially shared cognition.

[21]  Stefania Manca researcher,et al.  Why (and how) do teachers engage in social networks? An exploratory study of professional use of Facebook and its implications for lifelong learning , 2012 .

[22]  Cynthia Calongne,et al.  Identity, Learning and Support in Virtual Environments , 2009 .

[23]  Punya Mishra,et al.  What Knowledge Is of Most Worth , 2013 .

[24]  Brian C. Nelson,et al.  A design-based research strategy to promote scalability for educational innovations , 2006 .

[25]  Jill Burstein,et al.  Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation Current Applications and New Directions , 2018 .

[26]  U. Wilensky,et al.  Thinking Like a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Firefly: Learning Biology Through Constructing and Testing Computational Theories—An Embodied Modeling Approach , 2006 .

[27]  Armin Weinberger,et al.  Collaborative Learning in Facebook: Adverse Effects of Individual Preparation , 2014, 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[28]  Naoki Ueno,et al.  Mediation as a generative model for obtaining an area , 1991 .

[29]  George Siemens,et al.  Penetrating the fog: analytics in learning and education , 2014 .

[30]  J. Roschelle,et al.  Misconceptions Reconceived: A Constructivist Analysis of Knowledge in Transition , 1994 .

[31]  R. Mayer,et al.  Domain specificity of spatial expertise: The case of video game players. , 2002 .

[32]  Fabio Alves,et al.  A new window on translators' cognitive activity: methodological issues in the combined use of eye tracking, key logging and retrospective protocols , 2010 .

[33]  Roger Tourangeau,et al.  Eye-Tracking Data: New Insights on Response Order Effects and Other Cognitive Shortcuts in Survey Responding. , 2008, Public opinion quarterly.

[34]  J. Stigler,et al.  Mathematics learning in Japanese, Chinese, and American classrooms. , 1988, New directions for child development.

[35]  Scott Watter,et al.  Task switching in video game players: Benefits of selective attention but not resistance to proactive interference. , 2010, Acta psychologica.

[36]  Mike Stieff,et al.  Connected Chemistry—Incorporating Interactive Simulations into the Chemistry Classroom , 2003 .

[37]  Magdalene Lampert,et al.  When the Problem Is Not the Question and the Solution Is Not the Answer: Mathematical Knowing and Teaching , 1990 .

[38]  M. Scardamalia,et al.  Higher Levels of Agency for Children in Knowledge Building: A Challenge for the Design of New Knowledge Media , 1991 .

[39]  Patrick F. Reidy An Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis , 2009 .

[40]  Geoffrey E. Hinton,et al.  Learning internal representations by error propagation , 1986 .

[41]  Christine Greenhow,et al.  Social scholarship: Reconsidering scholarly practices in the age of social media , 2014, Br. J. Educ. Technol..

[42]  Jane Bliss-Holtz,et al.  Rules of the game , 1991, On the issues.

[43]  D. Gentile The multiple dimensions of video game effects. , 2011 .

[44]  John R. Anderson,et al.  Discrimination of operator schemata in problem solving: Learning from examples , 1985, Cognitive Psychology.

[45]  B. J. Fogg,et al.  Silicon sycophants: the effects of computers that flatter , 1997, Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud..

[46]  M A Just,et al.  A theory of reading: from eye fixations to comprehension. , 1980, Psychological review.

[47]  James W. Stigler,et al.  Learning Mathematics From Classroom Instruction: On Relating Lessons to Pupils' Interpretations , 1992 .

[48]  Joseph B. Walther,et al.  Theories, Boundaries, and All of the Above , 2009, J. Comput. Mediat. Commun..

[49]  Ass,et al.  Can computers be teammates? , 1996 .

[50]  Peter J Mumby,et al.  Statistical power of non-parametric tests: a quick guide for designing sampling strategies. , 2002, Marine pollution bulletin.

[51]  Ricki Goldman,et al.  Conducting Video Research in the Learning Sciences: Guidance on Selection, Analysis, Technology, and Ethics , 2010 .

[52]  Graham R. Gibbs,et al.  The Use of New Technology in Qualitative Research , 2002 .

[53]  Stefania Manca,et al.  Is it a tool suitable for learning? A critical review of the literature on Facebook as a technology-enhanced learning environment , 2013, J. Comput. Assist. Learn..


[55]  Lauren B. Resnick,et al.  Developing mathematical knowledge. , 1989 .

[56]  Carole L. Palmer,et al.  Scholarship and disciplinary practices , 2008, Annu. Rev. Inf. Sci. Technol..

[57]  K. Holyoak,et al.  Schema induction and analogical transfer , 1983, Cognitive Psychology.

[58]  Howard Wainer,et al.  Computerized Adaptive Testing: A Primer , 2000 .

[59]  Anthony G. Picciano,et al.  K-12 Online Learning: A 2008 Follow-Up of the Survey of U.S. School District Administrators. , 2009 .

[60]  D. R. Lehman,et al.  Teaching reasoning. , 1987, Science.

[61]  James G. Greeno,et al.  Situativity and Symbols: Response to Vera and Simon , 1993, Cogn. Sci..

[62]  Colin Sharp Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods (3rd ed.) , 2003 .

[63]  D. Boyd,et al.  Six Provocations for Big Data , 2011 .

[64]  Allan Collins,et al.  Three Different Views of Students: The Role of Technology in Assessing Student Performance , 1991 .

[65]  Jenny Fry,et al.  The intellectual and social organization of academic fields and the shaping of digital resources , 2007, J. Inf. Sci..

[66]  Baruch B. Schwarz,et al.  Positives About Negatives: A Case Study of an Intermediate Model for Signed Numbers , 1994 .

[67]  Mieko Kamii,et al.  The Algebra Project: Organizing in the Spirit of Ella , 1989 .

[68]  Bertram C. Bruce Technology in social practice: Returning to Dewey's conception of learning , 1997 .

[69]  B. Huot,et al.  The Literature of Direct Writing Assessment: Major Concerns and Prevailing Trends , 1990 .

[70]  Lauren B. Resnick,et al.  Thinking in Arithmetic Class. , 1991 .

[71]  J. Flavell,et al.  Development of knowledge about the appearance-reality distinction. , 1986, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development.

[72]  Martin J. Packer,et al.  Hermeneutic inquiry in the study of human conduct. , 1985 .

[73]  Clayton Lewis,et al.  Why and How to Learn Why: Analysis-Based Generalization of Procedures , 1988, Cogn. Sci..

[74]  Roland G. Tharp,et al.  Psychocultural variables and constants: Effects on teaching and learning in schools. , 1989 .

[75]  Genny Tortora,et al.  Development and evaluation of a system enhancing Second Life to support synchronous role‐based collaborative learning , 2009, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[76]  C. Nass,et al.  Are Machines Gender Neutral? Gender‐Stereotypic Responses to Computers With Voices , 1997 .

[77]  Stephanie Moore,et al.  Ethics of Educational Technology , 2014 .

[78]  C. Osgood The similarity paradox in human learning; a resolution. , 1949, Psychological review.

[79]  Elinor Ochs,et al.  Interpretive Journeys: How Physicists Talk and Travel through Graphic Space , 1994 .

[80]  L. Resnick Performance Puzzles , 1994, American Journal of Education.

[81]  S. Stein What's All the Fuss About? , 1996 .

[82]  Catherine Snow,et al.  Reading for Understanding: Toward an R&D Program in Reading Comprehension , 2002 .

[83]  Nigel Fielding,et al.  New Patterns in the Adoption and Use of Qualitative Software , 2002 .

[84]  Punya Mishra,et al.  Affective Feedback from Computers and its Effect on Perceived Ability and Affect: A Test of the Computers as Social Actor Hypothesis , 2006 .

[85]  Brigid Barron Interest and Self-Sustained Learning as Catalysts of Development: A Learning Ecology Perspective , 2006, Human Development.

[86]  L. Shulman Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching , 1986 .

[87]  Paul Cobb,et al.  Small-group interactions as a source of learning opportunities in second-grade mathematics. , 1991 .

[88]  Ben Y. Zhao,et al.  Beyond Social Graphs: User Interactions in Online Social Networks and their Implications , 2012, TWEB.

[89]  Katie Salen,et al.  Rules of play: game design fundamentals , 2003 .

[90]  Albert Stevens,et al.  Quantitative and Qualitative Simulation in Computer Based Training. , 1983 .

[91]  Julie Coiro,et al.  Central issues in new literacies and new literacies research , 2008 .

[92]  Matthew J. Koehler,et al.  Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge , 2006, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education.

[93]  Alan H. Schoenfeld,et al.  When Good Teaching Leads to Bad Results: The Disasters of 'Well-Taught' Mathematics Courses , 1988 .

[94]  Richard C Gershon,et al.  Computer adaptive testing , 1994 .

[95]  K. Squire From Content to Context: Videogames as Designed Experience , 2006 .

[96]  Jan Hauke Holste Data and Data Analysis , 2015 .

[97]  Walter Kintsch,et al.  Toward a model of text comprehension and production. , 1978 .

[98]  R. Rescorla,et al.  A theory of Pavlovian conditioning : Variations in the effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement , 1972 .

[99]  Pamela Jordan Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques , 1994 .

[100]  Marcia C. Linn,et al.  Using Technology to Teach Thermodynamics: Achieving Integrated Understanding , 1993 .

[101]  C. Judd,et al.  The relation of special training and general intelligence , 1908 .

[102]  C. Spearman General intelligence Objectively Determined and Measured , 1904 .

[103]  J. Greeno,et al.  Transfer of situated learning , 1996 .

[104]  Herbert A. Simon,et al.  Problem Solving and Reasoning. , 1984 .

[105]  J. Roschelle Learning by Collaborating: Convergent Conceptual Change , 1992 .

[106]  Edward A. Feigenbaum,et al.  What Hath Simon Wrought , 1988 .

[107]  Jill Burstein,et al.  Automated Essay Scoring : A Cross-disciplinary Perspective , 2003 .

[108]  Barbara Means,et al.  Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies , 2009 .

[109]  John Seely Brown,et al.  An Investigation of Computer Coaching for Informal Learning Activities. , 1978 .

[110]  D. Boyd,et al.  Sociality Through Social Network Sites , 2013 .

[111]  Richard E. Ferdig,et al.  Emotional Responses to Computers: Experiences in Unfairness, Anger, and Spite , 2004 .

[112]  Lokman I. Meho,et al.  Impact of data sources on citation counts and rankings of LIS faculty: Web of science versus scopus and google scholar , 2007, J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol..

[113]  G. Salomon,et al.  Educational Psychology and Technology: A Matter of Reciprocal Relations , 1998, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education.

[114]  J. Wicherts,et al.  The Rules of the Game Called Psychological Science , 2012, Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

[115]  C. Moustakas Phenomenological Research Methods , 1994 .

[116]  James A. Levin,et al.  Building electronic communities: success and failure in computer networking , 1990 .

[117]  Jeffrey V. Nickerson,et al.  Hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories: A comparative literature review , 2006, CSUR.

[118]  Charu C. Aggarwal,et al.  Social Network Data Analytics , 2011 .

[119]  M. Scardamalia,et al.  The CSILE project: Trying to bring the classroom into World 3. , 1994 .

[120]  L. Resnick Learning In School and Out , 2008 .

[121]  V. Kamakshi Prasad,et al.  WEB CONTENT MINING TOOLS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY , 2011 .

[122]  Bernard R. Gifford,et al.  Computer-Based Assessment in E-Learning: A Framework for Constructing "Intermediate Constraint" Questions and Tasks for Technology Platforms , 2006 .

[123]  Jude Spiers,et al.  Tech Tips: Using Video Management/ Analysis Technology in Qualitative Research , 2004 .

[124]  Michelene T. H. Chi,et al.  Self-Explanations: How Students Study and Use Examples in Learning To Solve Problems. Technical Report No. 9. , 1987 .