Effects of stick dynamics on helicopter flying qualities
An experiment that investigated the influence of typical helicopter force-feel system dynamics on roll-axis handling qualities was conducted in concurrent ground and inflight simulations. Variations in lateral control natural frequency and damping ratio, effected by changes in inertia and damping, were evaluated in a disturbance-rejection task. Pilot ratings indicated a preference for low-inertia feel systems, although measured performance was relatively constant over the range of stick characteristics. Force-sensing was compared with position sensing as the input to the control system. Force-sensing improved performance but did not improve pilot ratings. Overall, the results indicated that control-stick dynamics, at least within a reasonable range, did not have a significant effect on pilot-vehicle performance. However, the physical effort required to maintain a desired pilot/manipulator bandwidth became objectionable as the stick inertia increased beyond 5-7 lbm, which was reflected in the pilot ratings and comments.