Numerical Simulation of Air Flows in Gymnasia

The designers of ventilation systems need to predict the air flow patterns in order to optimize design and to ensure a healthy interior. Numerical simula tion is a powerful tool to obtain the air flow patterns. In the present study, a computer program which solves the three-dimensional conservation equa tions of mass, momentum, energy, and contaminant concentration is used. The program is based on the κ-ε turbulence model with wall function expres sions for solid boundaries. Flow fields are computed for two gymnasia, of 24 × 12× 9 m3 and 44 × 23 × 10 m3, with variations in the ventilation rate, the arrangement of inlet and outlet, heating system, and the number of occupants. The simulation gives the field results for air velocity, temperature, contami nant concentration, percentage of dissatisfied people due to draught, and pre dicted percentage of dissatisfied due to thermal comfort.