Survey Report on Scio Behavioral Patterns on Dental Cries among Urban and Rural Area

Background: Dental cries seen in Coman types disease seen at early stage of age that is at adult age. Focusing the Decayed, Missing, And Filled Teeth at particular stage than future s dental problems automatically removed that time. Aim: To assess the dental caries of a five and six years old school children. Objective: i) Find out dmft score five and six years old school children ii) Camper dfmt score urban and rural children’s. Results: There was impact of socio behavioral patterns on dental caries at five and six years old children’s. Calculated dmft Score was divided in to three partes. dmft score observed there was significant difference between in standardizes divisions each group such as in urban dmft score according to the categorization mean and SD of 14.8±12.39) similarly way in urban dmft score (15±17.29). Conclusion: In dmft score there was no changes in urban and rural. There were not statistical significant differences in dmft score in urban and rural area.