Georgiou, Katkov and Tsodyks considered the following random process. Let $x_1,x_2,\ldots $ be an infinite sequence of independent, identically distributed, uniform random points in $[0,1]$. Starting with $S=\{0\}$, the elements $x_k$ join $S$ one by one, in order. When an entering element is larger than the current minimum element of $S$, this minimum leaves $S$. Let $S(1,n)$ denote the content of $S$ after the first $n$ elements $x_k$ join. Simulations suggest that the size $|S(1,n)|$ of $S$ at time $n$ is typically close to $n/e$. Here we first give a rigorous proof that this is indeed the case, and that in fact the symmetric difference of $S(1,n)$ and the set $\{x_k\ge 1-1/e: 1 \leq k \leq n \}$ is of size at most $\tilde{O}(\sqrt n)$ with high probability. Our main result is a more accurate description of the process implying, in particular, that as $n$ tends to infinity $ n^{-1/2}\big( |S(1,n)|-n/e \big) $ converges to a normal random variable with variance $3e^{-2}-e^{-1}$. We further show that the dynamics of the symmetric difference of $S(1,n)$ and the set $\{x_k\ge 1-1/e: 1 \leq k \leq n \}$ converges with proper scaling to a three dimensional Bessel process.
Noga Alon,et al.
The runsort permuton
Adv. Appl. Math..
M. Tsodyks,et al.
Retroactive interference model of forgetting
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience.
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Exponential inequalities for self-normalized martingales with applications
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One-dimensional Brownian motion and the three-dimensional Bessel process
Advances in Applied Probability.
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Gauge Integral Structures for Stochastic Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics.
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The Probabilistic Method