Campbell Systems Sampling Mean Conditions in an Urban Environment at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM
Abstract : This report provides documentation on Campbell systems, which are used to sample mean atmospheric conditions in an urban environment. This report includes mean condition measurements used in an U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Urban Study conducted at White Sands Missile Range, NM, in 2005. Secondly, the report summarizes the Army relevance for the WSMR 2003/2005 Urban Field Study. It describes an overview of the actual WSMR 2004/2005 Urban Study; the elements of the Campbell's contributions, sensor details, and sensor descriptions; measurement rates; lessons learned from the WSMR 2005 Urban Study; and a conclusion. The report also describes a valuable piece of data acquisition for modeling that still leaves much room for improvement. NOTE: The Campbell instrumentation setup is mostly an off-the-shelf unit that collects data using two groups of instruments.