Influence of Planting Scheme and Planting Dates on Yield and Grade of Four Peanut Cultivars

Studies were conducted to determine the influence of planting scheme (solid vs skip-row) and planting date on three runner and one Spanish-type cultivar in a non-irrigated field near Stockdale, Texas, during the 1994 and 1995 seasons. Florunner, GK-7, Andru-93 (runner type), and Tamspan-90 (Spanish type) cultivars were planted at 25 to 30 day intervals beginning about 15 April. Although not statistically significant, the skip-row planting scheme yielded more than the solid planting scheme by 10 to 35% depending on the year. Peanut yild and total sound mature kernels (TSMK) were significantly affected by planting date. In 1994, highest yields were obtained from the June planting while the April planting produced the highest yield in 1995. Year effects on yield are the result of rainfall distribution and temperature differences during the critical flowering and pegging period.