Work-in-Progress—Measuring Engagement in Virtual Reality for Talent Attraction Purposes

Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful tool for situate users in environments difficult to replicate in real life due to restricted access (e.g. historical sites or restricted buildings) or dangerous situations (e.g. working on top of a pole) among other examples. Such simulations can be used for allowing users to experience real-life situations in a controlled environment, enabling the study of interesting phenomena, such as user’s engagement. This paper introduces a work-in-progress mobile VR app that recreates everyday working scenarios, using a mixture of 3D modelled environments and media streamed resources (e.g. 360 videos) to attract talent for specific roles in a company, by providing a better understanding of the activities involved in those roles. We complement this with preliminary results of a user evaluation, and the results of an engagement evaluation provided via a fuzzy logic system (FLS).