Abstract: Priority-based Chunk Scheduling Algorithm for Large Scale P2P Live Streaming System

Chunk-based mesh-pull Peer-to-Peer (P2P) streaming is being considered as the most promising approach to deliver real-time video to large scale users over the Internet. Currently the majorities of chunk scheduling approaches focus on receiver side’s chunk/peer selection strategies and neglect the service order at supplier side, which will cause the user’s video quality descending in overloaded operating environments. In this paper, we first propose the supplier side chunk priority model considering requested chunks’ urgency of playback and rarity. Then based on the model, we formulate the supplier side scheduling problem as a linear programming problem and propose a greedy bandwidth resource allocation algorithm to solve it. The extensive experiments demonstrate the proposed scheme effective in improving the quality of experience of end users in overloaded operating environments comparing to the FCFS (First Come First Service) scheme.