Inverting Capacitive Resistivity (Line Electrode) Measurements with Direct Current Inversion Programs

The capaciƟ ve resisƟ vity (CR) method is a Ɵ me- and labor-saving alternaƟ ve to tradiƟ onal direct current (DC) resisƟ vity methods. The line electrode variant of CR suff ers from the absence of data inversion programs as available for the DC resisƟ vity method. Direct current inversion programs were applied to determine the resisƟ vity distribuƟ on from CR measurements using an approximately equivalent four-point dipole–dipole confi guraƟ on. We opƟ mized confi guraƟ ons to minimize the systemaƟ c error applying DC inversion programs to CR, using data based on the comparison of the two-dimensional sensiƟ viƟ es of the proposed DC approximaƟ ons. The opƟ mal four-point dipole–dipole geometry has a dipole length of 80%. AbbreviaƟ ons: CR, capaciƟ ve resisƟ vity; DC, direct current. The CR method using line electrodes features quick and cheap data acquisition. It has been designed for highly resistive grounds, which are diffi cult to access with DC resistivity measurements. Th is study analyzed approximations of DC four-point dipole–dipole confi gurations for CR line electrode data to improve the applicability of DC inversion programs for CR data.