Food For Progress 2006: Agricultural and Tree Products Program Consultants Report: mid-term evaluation 26 Jan – 13 Feb 2009

This Mid-Term Evaluation, implemented in January-February 2009 involved briefings by ICRAF staff in Yaounde, a workshop with project partners in Bamenda at which they presented the key outputs, an eight day field trip in North and North West Provinces with the key project partners, a debriefing with project partners, a visit to CIPRE in Yaounde, a meeting with the USDA Special Projects Coordinator and a presentation of the draft report in Yaounde to all partner organizations. The ‘Food For Progress Program’ is a very interesting and to our knowledge a globally unique example of a rural development project implementing multifunctional agriculture, as perceived recently by the International Assessment of Agricultural Science, Knowledge and Technology for Development (IAASTD) as the desirable paradigm for more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable agriculture (McIntyre et al, 2009).