부산광역시 지구단위계획의 운영실태에 따른 문제점 및 개선방향에 관한 연구
In this paper, the problems and betterment plan in operating district units plan are studied by selecting typal case locations based on the types of district units plan of the city of Busan. According to the types, 4 locations of 'type of maintaining preexisting district' and 3 of 'type of managing preexisting district' are selected as case locations, based on a scale and characteristics of each location. In systematical aspects of the case locations, indiscreet upward adjustment of the locations, insignificant participation of the citizens and patternization were recognized as problems. And setting accurate standards for target and range of alteration in line with usage plan of the locations would be necessarily urgent. So through the analysing process of the problems arisen from the case locations I would suggests necessary solutions to improve the effectiveness of the district units plan. And In planning aspects, the similarity between the basic directions and the object, batch-application of the density plan, inadequacy of the usage plan, allocations and patterns of structures, and color planning were recognized to have problematic points. Consequently distinguished specific operating-guidelines would be necessary to achieve the basic directions and the object of district units plan. Furthermore, the building-to-land ratio and floor space index are needed to be exactly calculated through providing accurate and logical standards for appropriate development density of structures.