Lessons from the European LESFOIL project on LES of flow around an airfoil

The paper presents a condensed synopsis of important results obtained by 7 partners in the Brite-Euram project LESFOIL sponsored by the European Union. This project was devoted to assessing the feasibility of Large Eddy Simulations (LES) for the computation of the flow around an airfoil. As test case the Aerospatiale A-airfoil at Re = 2 • 106 and 13.3° angle of attack had been chosen. All partners performed simulations of this flow with various methods, most of which were of Finite Volume type. The present paper, written by the task leaders of these simulations, complements the individual partners' publications by assembling the key results and presenting them in a comparative way. An attempt is made to draw some general conclusions on the current state-of-the-art of this subject.