High-Power Duplexing Rotary-Field Phase Shifter

The rotary field phase shifter has advantages such as high precision of phase shifting (RMS tolerance can be less than 1°) and stable performances in varied temperature. By optimizing the RF transmit structure, its power capability can be increased greatly. Taking advantage of the reciprocity of rotary field phase shifters and nonreciprocity of ferrite circle polarizers, high power duplexing rotary field phase phase shifters are designed. The shifter's duplexing can split the T/R signals and realize he function of phase shifters and circulators. In the case of principle of the duplexing rotary field phase shifter is introduced. The main design method used in a high power condition is also expounded. The formula of phase shift for ferrite pipe is developed. And a practical shifter is produced in the concerned way. The involved test data are also offered. [