Cross-section standardization for thermal power reactors. Final report
The objective of the first phase was to process the ENDF/B Version IV data files into group constant form for use in the neutronic codes LASER and LEOPARD, two codes which are in wide-spread use by the electrical utilities. The second phase of work was to initiate evaluation of the thermal data for /sup 233/U, /sup 239/Pu, and /sup 241/Pu. The results of this task proved the feasibility of a major portion of this development by the successful application of simultaneous fits to multiple data sets of fission, capture and eta data for /sup 235/U. As a second task tentative absolute errors were assigned in a reevaluation of fission measurements performed at GEEL. For the third task several evaluation contributions were made. Battelle Northwest is proposing a follow-on program to continue this work based on the promise of the ultimate achievement of valuable information indicated by the results of this initial effort. (GRA)