: The article presents the results of a study of the elemental composition of condensates collected at the Ursk sulfide waste heaps (Kemerovo region). The composition of the vapor-gas phase under ambient conditions was compared with the composition obtained in laboratory experiments by heating the waste material to 60°C. Element con-centrations in condensates collected at the waste heaps significantly exceed background values. In the adjacent territory at a distance of 100 and 200 m the metal content does not reach the background. In the condensates of laboratory experiments, many chemical elements were determined, including Au, Zr, Cs, U, Tl. A high positive correlation between the compositions of condensates and the compositions of aqueous extracts extracted from parallel samples was established. This suggests that the sources of elements in condensed gas-vapor streams are secondary sulfates formed during the oxidation of sulfides. The most mobile elements during transport in the vapor – gas phase are alkaline (Li, Cs, Na, K), alkaline earth (Ca, Sr), chalcofilic metals Hg, Zn, Cu, and metalloids As, Sb, Se.
O. Shuvaeva,et al.
Mechanisms of low-temperature vapor-gas streams formation from sulfide mine waste.
The Science of the total environment.
N. Yurkevich,et al.
Assessment of emissions of trace elements and sulfur gases from sulfide tailings
Array В. Васильев,et al.
Социальная ответственность в интересах устойчивого развития
Y. Alekhin,et al.
Topological Analysis of Phase Equilibria in the Hg – H2O System
E3S Web of Conferences.
А. Е. Самсонов,et al.
Экспериментальные и аналитические методы исследования процессов межрезервуарного микроэлементного обмена