Combined Approach to Reliability of Great Software Complexes for Distributed Computing with Big Data in Contemporary Physical Experiments

The new challenging era of scientific data management in the coming decade named "Big Data" requires giant complexes for distributed computing and corresponding grid-cloud internet services. Known common approaches to software reliability based on the probability theory or on considering software as an open non-equilibrium dynamic system cannot conform to advanced grid-cloud software management systems. Therefore to provide the optimality and reliability of such sophisticated systems we choose the imitative simulation method oriented on a knowledge of dynamics of the system functioning. A new grid and cloud service simulation system was developed in the JINR Dubna laboratory of information technologies which focused on improving the efficiency and reliability of the grid-cloud systems development by using work quality indicators of some real system to design and predict its evolution. For these purposes the simulation program is combined with real monitoring system of the gridcloud service through a special database. Some examples of the program applications to simulate a sufficiently general cloud structure, which can be used for more common purposes, are given.