Multiple populations of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Cambodia

Gilean McVean | Alistair Miles | Susana Campino | Eleanor Drury | Magnus Manske | Gareth Maslen | Valentin Ruano-Rubio | Mandy Sanders | Christiane Dolecek | Francois Nosten | Nicholas J White | Sarah Auburn | Tran Tinh Hien | Arjen M Dondorp | Jacob Almagro-Garcia | Issaka Zongo | Shannon Takala-Harrison | Christina Hubbart | Lucas Amenga-Etego | Dushyanth Jyothi | Matthew Berriman | C. Spencer | G. McVean | J. Rayner | D. Kwiatkowski | D. Conway | K. Rockett | X. Su | O. Doumbo | M. Manske | M. Berriman | C. Newbold | C. Dolecek | Valentín Ruano-Rubio | M. F. Boni | A. Miles | F. Nosten | J. Ouédraogo | B. MacInnis | M. Sanders | A. Djimde | N. Day | N. White | T. Hien | S. Campino | Eleanor Drury | C. Hubbart | D. Jyothi | S. Auburn | Olivo Miotto | Jacob Almagro-Garcia | C. Amaratunga | Seila Suon | R. Fairhurst | D. Saunders | M. Fukuda | P. Ringwald | C. Plowe | Samuel O Oyola | G. Maslen | F. Ariey | A. Dondorp | M. Imwong | A. Hodgson | A. Amambua-Ngwa | Youry Se | Pharath Lim | Sokunthea Sreng | Jennifer M. Anderson | Char Meng Chuor | C. Nguon | O. Koch | John D. O'Brien | I. Zongo | Daniel Alcock | L. Amenga-Etego | S. Duong | Xin-zhuan Su | Kirk A Rockett | Dominic P Kwiatkowski | Mark M Fukuda | Delia Bethell | Youry Se | David Saunders | Julian C Rayner | Chris I Newbold | Alfred Amambua-Ngwa | Chanaki Amaratunga | Pascal Ringwald | Mallika Imwong | Bronwyn MacInnis | David J Conway | Daniel Alcock | Pharath Lim | Olivo Miotto | Seila Suon | Sokunthea Sreng | Jennifer M Anderson | Socheat Duong | Chea Nguon | Chantap Lon | Abraham VO Hodgson | Victor Asoala | Frédéric Ariey | Maciej F Boni | Cao Quang Thai | Abdoulaye A Djimdé | Ogobara K Doumbo | Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo | Oliver Koch | John O’Brien | Chris Gamble | Chris CA Spencer | Nicholas P Day | Christopher V Plowe | Rick M Fairhurst | Delia Bethell | Samuel O. Oyola | C. Thai | V. Asoala | Shannon Takala-Harrison | O. Miotto | C. Lon | C. Gamble | S. Oyola | C. Spencer | Sarah Auburn | Valentín Ruano-Rubio

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