Wetland of Africa: Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of African wetlands divided into three main geographic areas: Eastern, Western and South Africa. The main types of wetland vegetation and their distributions are outlined. The interrelationshipss of geomorphology, climate, soil types, and water quality are examined in relation to wetland development. The dynamics of specific wetlands in each of the geographical areas are then examined in detail. Included are the Swamps of the Upper Nile, the Rift and high altitude lakes of Eastern Africa, the Niger and its floodplains, the Lower Senegal Valley, Coastal Lagoons of the Ivory Coast, and Lake Chad in West Africa. The vast floodplains of Southern Africa including the Pongolo River floodplains, the Mkuze Wetland System, Nyl River floodplains, and various pans and dambos. The major man-made lakes, their impact on the environment and problems with waterweeds are also considered. African wetlands are fragile ecosystems under serious threat and there are many pressures on their long-term survival. Thus, management strategies for their conservation and sustainable development are discussed in relation to the needs of the people of Africa.