Technical description of version 4.5 of the Community Land Model (CLM)

[1]  C. Clauser,et al.  Thermal Conductivity of Rocks and Minerals , 2013 .

[2]  Keith W. Oleson,et al.  Parameterization of Urban Characteristics for Global Climate Modeling , 2010 .

[3]  K. Oleson,et al.  Technical Description of an Urban Parameterization for the Community Land Model (CLMU) , 2010 .

[4]  J. Randerson,et al.  Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model , 2009 .

[5]  Xubin Zeng,et al.  Improving the Numerical Solution of Soil Moisture-Based Richards Equation for Land Models with a Deep or Shallow Water Table , 2009 .

[6]  X. Zeng,et al.  Effects of soil wetness, plant litter, and under‐canopy atmospheric stability on ground evaporation in the Community Land Model (CLM3.5) , 2009 .

[7]  X. Zeng,et al.  Growing temperate shrubs over arid and semiarid regions in the Community Land Model–Dynamic Global Vegetation Model , 2008 .

[8]  S. Sitch,et al.  The role of fire disturbance for global vegetation dynamics: coupling fire into a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model , 2008 .

[9]  K. Oleson,et al.  An Urban Parameterization for a Global Climate Model. Part I: Formulation and Evaluation for Two Cities , 2008 .

[10]  Jean-Francois Lamarque,et al.  Predicted change in global secondary organic aerosol concentrations in response to future climate, emissions, and land use change , 2008 .

[11]  Peter E. Thornton,et al.  Improvements to the Community Land Model and their impact on the hydrological cycle , 2008 .

[12]  K. Oleson,et al.  Use of FLUXNET in the Community Land Model development , 2008 .

[13]  David M. Lawrence,et al.  Incorporating organic soil into a global climate model , 2008 .

[14]  Peter E. Thornton,et al.  Influence of carbon‐nitrogen cycle coupling on land model response to CO2 fertilization and climate variability , 2007 .

[15]  Zong-Liang Yang,et al.  An observation-based formulation of snow cover fraction and its evaluation over large North American river basins , 2007 .

[16]  Peter E. Thornton,et al.  An Improved Canopy Integration Scheme for a Land Surface Model with Prognostic Canopy Structure , 2007 .

[17]  X. Zeng,et al.  Consistent Parameterization of Roughness Length and Displacement Height for Sparse and Dense Canopies in Land Models , 2007 .

[18]  Peter E. Thornton,et al.  The Partitioning of Evapotranspiration into Transpiration, Soil Evaporation, and Canopy Evaporation in a GCM: Impacts on Land–Atmosphere Interaction , 2007 .

[19]  Zong-Liang Yang,et al.  Development of a simple groundwater model for use in climate models and evaluation with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment data , 2007 .

[20]  T. Chase,et al.  Representing a new MODIS consistent land surface in the Community Land Model (CLM 3.0) , 2007 .

[21]  Philip J. Rasch,et al.  Present-day climate forcing and response from black carbon in snow , 2006 .

[22]  Keith W. Oleson,et al.  Simulation of Global Land Surface Conditions from 1948 to 2004. Part I: Forcing Data and Evaluations , 2006 .

[23]  Zong-Liang Yang,et al.  Effects of Frozen Soil on Snowmelt Runoff and Soil Water Storage at a Continental Scale , 2006 .

[24]  P. Palmer,et al.  Estimates of global terrestrial isoprene emissions using MEGAN (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature) , 2006 .

[25]  S. Malyshev,et al.  The underpinnings of land‐use history: three centuries of global gridded land‐use transitions, wood‐harvest activity, and resulting secondary lands , 2006 .

[26]  Charles S. Zender,et al.  Linking snowpack microphysics and albedo evolution , 2006 .

[27]  James J. Hack,et al.  Simulation of the Global Hydrological Cycle in the CCSM Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3): Mean Features , 2006 .

[28]  R. Dickinson,et al.  The Community Land Model and Its Climate Statistics as a Component of the Community Climate System Model , 2006 .

[29]  Gordon B. Bonan,et al.  Evaluating Aspects of the Community Land and Atmosphere Models (CLM3 and CAM3) Using a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model , 2006 .

[30]  Yiqi Luo,et al.  Elevated CO2 stimulates net accumulations of carbon and nitrogen in land ecosystems: a meta-analysis. , 2006, Ecology.

[31]  R. Dickinson,et al.  Treatment of Undercanopy Turbulence in Land Models , 2005 .

[32]  P. Thornton,et al.  Ecosystem model spin-up: Estimating steady state conditions in a coupled terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycle model , 2005 .

[33]  Zong-Liang Yang,et al.  A simple TOPMODEL-based runoff parameterization (SIMTOP) for use in global climate models , 2005 .

[34]  C. Zender,et al.  Snowpack radiative heating: Influence on Tibetan Plateau climate , 2005 .


[36]  Petteri Vanninen,et al.  Carbon budget for Scots pine trees: effects of size, competition and site fertility on growth allocation and production. , 2005, Tree physiology.

[37]  G. Asner,et al.  Nitrogen Cycles: Past, Present, and Future , 2004 .

[38]  Robert E. Dickinson,et al.  A Two-Big-Leaf Model for Canopy Temperature, Photosynthesis, and Stomatal Conductance , 2004 .

[39]  J. Berry,et al.  A biochemical model of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in leaves of C3 species , 1980, Planta.

[40]  Peter E. Thornton,et al.  Technical Description of the Community Land Model (CLM) , 2004 .

[41]  Mariana Vertenstein,et al.  The Community Land Model's Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM): Technical description and user's guide , 2004 .

[42]  Christine Wiedinmyer,et al.  Simulating biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in the Community Climate System Model , 2003 .

[43]  J. Townshend,et al.  Global Percent Tree Cover at a Spatial Resolution of 500 Meters: First Results of the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields Algorithm , 2003 .

[44]  Thomas C. Grenfell,et al.  Representation of a nonspherical ice particle by a collection of independent spheres for scattering and absorption of radiation: 2. Hexagonal columns and plates , 2003 .

[45]  R. Dickinson,et al.  The Common Land Model , 2003 .

[46]  R. DeFries,et al.  Global distribution of C3 and C4 vegetation: Carbon cycle implications , 2003 .

[47]  W. Mantovani,et al.  Mortality and recruitment of trees in a secondary montane rain forest in southeastern Brazil. , 2003, Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia.

[48]  R. Dickinson,et al.  The land surface climatology of the community land model coupled to the NCAR community climate model , 2002 .

[49]  Alan H. Strahler,et al.  Global land cover mapping from MODIS: algorithms and early results , 2002 .

[50]  N. C. Strugnell,et al.  First operational BRDF, albedo nadir reflectance products from MODIS , 2002 .

[51]  S. Running,et al.  Global products of vegetation leaf area and fraction absorbed PAR from year one of MODIS data , 2002 .

[52]  A. Mäkelä Derivation of stem taper from the pipe theory in a carbon balance framework. , 2002, Tree physiology.

[53]  R. Dickinson,et al.  Coupling of the Common Land Model to the NCAR Community Climate Model , 2002 .

[54]  Keith W. Oleson,et al.  Landscapes as patches of plant functional types: An integrating concept for climate and ecosystem models , 2002 .

[55]  J. Stoddard,et al.  Is Nitrogen Deposition Altering the Nitrogen Status of Northeastern Forests? , 2002 .

[56]  Gordon B. Bonan,et al.  Ecological Climatology: Concepts and Applications , 2002 .

[57]  Development of a parallel river transport algorithm and applications to climate studies , 2001 .

[58]  Xubin Zeng,et al.  Global Vegetation Root Distribution for Land Modeling , 2001 .

[59]  W. Oechel,et al.  FLUXNET: A New Tool to Study the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Ecosystem-Scale Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, and Energy Flux Densities , 2001 .

[60]  Toshihiro Yamada,et al.  Dynamic steady state of patch-mosaic tree size structure of a mixed dipterocarp forest regulated by local crowding , 2001, Ecological Research.

[61]  Keith W. Oleson,et al.  The Effects of Remotely Sensed Plant Functional Type and Leaf Area Index on Simulations of Boreal Forest Surface Fluxes by the NCAR Land Surface Model , 2000 .


[63]  Limin Yang,et al.  Development of a global land cover characteristics database and IGBP DISCover from 1 km AVHRR data , 2000 .

[64]  J. E. Dobson,et al.  LandScan: A Global Population Database for Estimating Populations at Risk , 2000 .

[65]  D. Schimel,et al.  Global patterns of terrestrial biological nitrogen (N2) fixation in natural ecosystems , 1999 .

[66]  A. J. Dolman,et al.  The Pilot Phase of the Global Soil Wetness Project , 1999 .

[67]  David R. Maidment,et al.  Five‐minute, 1/2°, and 1° data sets of continental watersheds and river networks for use in regional and global hydrologic and climate system modeling studies , 1999 .

[68]  Robert E. Dickinson,et al.  Intercomparison of Bulk Aerodynamic Algorithms for the Computation of Sea Surface Fluxes Using TOGA COARE and TAO Data , 1998 .

[69]  Olevi Kull,et al.  An analysis of light effects on foliar morphology, physiology, and light interception in temperate deciduous woody species of contrasting shade tolerance. , 1998, Tree physiology.

[70]  G. Bonan The Land Surface Climatology of the NCAR Land Surface Model Coupled to the NCAR Community Climate Model , 1998 .

[71]  R. Dickinson,et al.  Effect of Surface Sublayer on Surface Skin Temperature and Fluxes , 1998 .

[72]  Gregory P. Asner,et al.  Variability in Leaf and Litter Optical Properties: Implications for BRDF Model Inversions Using AVHRR, MODIS, and MISR , 1998 .

[73]  Zeng Qingcun,et al.  A land surface model (IAP94) for climate studies part I: Formulation and validation in off-line experiments , 1997 .

[74]  M. G. Ryan,et al.  Growth and maintenance respiration rates of aspen, black spruce and jack pine stems at northern and southern BOREAS sites. , 1997, Tree physiology.

[75]  Paul R. Houser,et al.  Surface flux measurement and modeling at a semi-arid Sonoran Desert site , 1996 .

[76]  P. Curtis,et al.  Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Leaf Litter Chemistry: Influences on Microbial Respiration and Net Nitrogen Mineralization , 1996 .

[77]  Howard Conway,et al.  Albedo of dirty snow during conditions of melt , 1996 .

[78]  Ramakrishna R. Nemani,et al.  Implementation of a hierarchical global vegetation classification in ecosystem function models , 1996 .

[79]  C. Justice,et al.  A Revised Land Surface Parameterization (SiB2) for Atmospheric GCMS. Part II: The Generation of Global Fields of Terrestrial Biophysical Parameters from Satellite Data , 1996 .

[80]  B. Bonan,et al.  A Land Surface Model (LSM Version 1.0) for Ecological, Hydrological, and Atmospheric Studies: Technical Description and User's Guide , 1996 .

[81]  K. Jon Ranson,et al.  The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) : an overview and early results from the 1994 field year , 1995 .

[82]  C. N. Hewitt,et al.  A global model of natural volatile organic compound emissions , 1995 .

[83]  G. Russell,et al.  Continental-Scale River Flow in Climate Models , 1994 .

[84]  F. Giorgi,et al.  Lake-Atmosphere Feedbacks Associated with Paleolakes Bonneville and Lahontan , 1994, Science.

[85]  A. Strahler MODIS Land Cover Product Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) Version 5.0 , 1994 .

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[88]  R. Dickinson,et al.  The Project for Intercomparison of Land Surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS): Phases 2 and 3 , 1993 .

[89]  M. Loutre,et al.  Insolation and Earth's orbital periods , 1993 .

[90]  Steven W. Hostetler,et al.  Interactive coupling of a lake thermal model with a regional climate model , 1993 .

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[92]  Brian Berkowitz,et al.  Percolation approach to the problem of hydraulic conductivity in porous media , 1992 .

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