A review of deep learning methods for semantic segmentation of remote sensing imagery

Abstract Semantic segmentation of remote sensing imagery has been employed in many applications and is a key research topic for decades. With the success of deep learning methods in the field of computer vision, researchers have made a great effort to transfer their superior performance to the field of remote sensing image analysis. This paper starts with a summary of the fundamental deep neural network architectures and reviews the most recent developments of deep learning methods for semantic segmentation of remote sensing imagery including non-conventional data such as hyperspectral images and point clouds. In our review of the literature, we identified three major challenges faced by researchers and summarize the innovative development to address them. As tremendous efforts have been devoted to advancing pixel-level accuracy, the emerged deep learning methods demonstrated much-improved performance on several public data sets. As to handling the non-conventional, unstructured point cloud and rich spectral imagery, the performance of the state-of-the-art methods is, on average, inferior to that of the satellite imagery. Such a performance gap also exists in learning from small data sets. In particular, the limited non-conventional remote sensing data sets with labels is an obstacle to developing and evaluating new deep learning methods.

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