Using a command language as a high-level programming language

The command language for the Programmer's Workbench (PWB) utilizes an extended version of the standard UNIX shell program, plus commands designed mainly for use within shell procedures (command files). Modifications have been aimed at improving the use of the shell by large programming groups, and making it even more convenient to use as a high-level programming language. In line with the philosophy of much existing UNIX software, an attempt has been made to add new features only when they are shown necessary by actual user experience in order to avoid contaminating a compact, elegant system through “creeping featurism.” By utilizing the shell as a programming language, PWB users have been able to eliminate a great deal of the programming drudgery that often accompanies a large project. Many manual procedures have been quickly, cheaply, and conveniently automated. Because it is so easy to create and use shell procedures, each separate project has tended to customize the general PWB environment into one tailored to its own requirements, organizational structure, and terminology. A summary is given of the usage patterns revealed by a survey of 1,725 existing shell procedures.