CITIDEL: making resources available
In this demonstration, we present the features of the Computing and Information Technology Interactive Digital Educational Library project (CITIDEL). CITIDEL is being developed to bring learning resources related to computing into one open archive and search center. We will demonstrate the current status of development of CITIDEL, both in terms of collections accessible and of technical developments for data provision and harvesting. ( CITIDEL development team includes people from Virginia Tech (the lead institution), Hofstra University, Penn State University, The College of New Jersey, and Villanova University. CITIDEL is part of the Collections Track activities in the U.S. National STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education Digital Library (NSDL, Our focus includes technical development, content collection, search engine technology, assessment, and community development.Topics presented include metadata harvesting of collections, tailored search capabilities, and a demonstration of the front-end access to the educational resources related to computing and information technology. Conference attendees interested in having their work accessible through CITIDEL will have the opportunity to talk with a project representative during the demonstration time. Avenues of dissemination include the ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC) and the Computer Science Teaching Center (CSTC,