Two decades of progress in sodar techniques: a review of 11 ISARS proceedings

SummaryFor 20 years the biennial symposia organized by the International Society for Acoustic Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Oceans and Associated Techniques (ISARS) have been held in different countries. The original papers collected in the proceedings of the symposia reflect the development of ideas, equipment, and methods, plus results obtained in the area. The spectrum of themes discussed at the symposia is broad. More than 60% of the papers were devoted to the role of sodars in atmospheric boundary-layer research. This paper presents an overview of the development of sodar technique as elucidated in the proceedings of 11 ISARS symposia. Topics include (1) instrumentation, (2) methods of measuring different meteorological quantities and their turbulence characteristics, and (3) validating the methods by comparison of sodar data with in situ measurements.