Experiment data report for LOFT nonnuclear small break experiment L3-0. [PWR]

Experiment L3-0 was the first Small Break Series L3 experiment conducted at the Loss-of-Fluid Test facility. This experiment was performed to obtain data for analytical code assessment and further understand the thermal-hydraulic behavior which occurs during a postulated loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor. The specific objectives of Experiment L3-0 were to (a) determine the break flow rate from available pressurizer pressure and level data, (b) provide data to assess the transient pressure, temperature and density for comparison with predictions from computer codes which model small break transients, (c) determine if chugging occurs in the suppression tank during the small break blowdown, and (d) provide operator training in performing small break experiments. Recorded data for Experiment L3-0 are presented.