A Detailed Study of Low-Lying Levels of 184 W by Means of the ( d , p ) Reaction

Targets of separated isotopes 182 W and 183 W were bombarded with a 15 MeV deuteron beam, and outgoing protons were analyzed with a broad range magnetic spectrograph and nuclear emulsion plates. Empirical single-particle cross sections were determined from the observed cross sections and angular distributions of the reactions leading to low-lying levels of 183 W. Observed cross sections and angular distributions for the levels of 184 W were compared with the cross sections which were obtained by using the above empirical single-particle cross sections and the spectroscopic factors calculated from the pairing theory. For the members of the ground state rotational band and the γ-vibrational band in 184 W excellent agreements were obtained. Reasonably good agreements were found for six higher levels below 1800 keV, if they were interpreted as the rotational members of possible two-quasiparticle states. For the first two levels of the lowest excited K =0 + band cross sections were determined.