Proof-testing of hot-pressed silicon nitride

Proof-testing was investigated as a method for insuring the reliability of hot-pressed silicon nitride in high temperature structural applications. The objective of the study was to determine if the strength distribution of a population of test specimens could be truncated by proof-testing. To achieve this objective the strength of silicon nitride was measured at 25° C and 1200° C, both with and without proof-testing. At 25° C, however, the strength distribution was effectively truncated by proof-test ing. At 1200° C, however, the effectiveness of proof-testing as a means of truncating the strength distribution was determined by the resistance of the silicon nitride to oxidation. Although oxidation removes machining flaws that limit the strength of silicon nitride, long-term exposure to high temperature oxidizing conditions resulted in the formation of surface pits that severely degraded the strength. Provided the effects of high temperature exposure are taken into account, proof-testing is shown to be useful for truncating the strength distribution of hot-pressed silicon nitride at elevated temperatures.