Chaos from phase-locked loops. High-dissipation case

For pt.I see ibid., vol.35, no.8, p.987-1003, 1988. The numerical calculations of theorem 2 of pt.I which gives the homoclinicity condition for the non-Hamiltonian, i.e. dissipative, unperturbed case, are performed. In particular, many boundary curves which identify the homoclinic tangency and show that there exists a homoclinic orbit above the curves but no homoclinic orbit below them are obtained. Moreover, the associated Poincare maps (obtained by Runge-Kutta-Gill simulation) confirm that the homoclinicity condition predicted from these diagrams is correct. Finally, computer simulation is used to obtain the actual chaotic attractors observed from a very small external sinusoidal force. This corresponds exactly to the experimental results reported in pt.I that the chaotic phenomena observed from actual experiments in pt.I is indeed a horseshoe chaos based on a homoclinic orbit. >