SoilTemp: A global database of near‐surface temperature

Current analyses and predictions of spatially explicit patterns and processes in ecology most often rely on climate data interpolated from standardized weather stations. This interpolated climate data represents long‐term average thermal conditions at coarse spatial resolutions only. Hence, many climate‐forcing factors that operate at fine spatiotemporal resolutions are overlooked. This is particularly important in relation to effects of observation height (e.g. vegetation, snow and soil characteristics) and in habitats varying in their exposure to radiation, moisture and wind (e.g. topography, radiative forcing or cold‐air pooling). Since organisms living close to the ground relate more strongly to these microclimatic conditions than to free‐air temperatures, microclimatic ground and near‐surface data are needed to provide realistic forecasts of the fate of such organisms under anthropogenic climate change, as well as of the functioning of the ecosystems they live in. To fill this critical gap, we highlight a call for temperature time series submissions to SoilTemp, a geospatial database initiative compiling soil and near‐surface temperature data from all over the world. Currently, this database contains time series from 7,538 temperature sensors from 51 countries across all key biomes. The database will pave the way toward an improved global understanding of microclimate and bridge the gap between the available climate data and the climate at fine spatiotemporal resolutions relevant to most organisms and ecosystem processes.

Jonas Ardö | Ben Somers | Nico Eisenhauer | Juergen Kreyling | Jürgen Homeier | Miska Luoto | Andrej Varlagin | Jian Zhang | Olivier Roupsard | Brett R. Scheffers | Jonathan Lenoir | Julia Boike | Miroslav Svoboda | Thomas Scholten | Loïc Pellissier | Tim Seipel | Katja Tielbörger | Masahito Ueyama | Jan Wild | Robert Weigel | Jan Dick | Florian Zellweger | Kamil Laska | Nina Buchmann | Bernard Heinesch | Manuela Winkler | Martin Macek | Peter Haase | Martin A. Nuñez | Pascal Boeckx | Michele Carbognani | Sylvia Haider | Ann Milbau | Alessandro Petraglia | Marcello Tomaselli | Martin Wilmking | Sonja Wipf | Ivan Nijs | Christian Rixen | Martin Kopecký | Juha Aalto | Edoardo Cremonese | Kristoffer Hylander | Marijn Bauters | Benjamin Blonder | Bente Jessen Graae | Andrea Lamprecht | Meelis Pärtel | Harald Pauli | Christian Rossi | Klaus Steinbauer | Jörg G Stephan | Koenraad Van Meerbeek | Christian Larson | Mauro Guglielmin | Camille Meeussen | Miguel Portillo-Estrada | Elizabeth Simpson | George Kazakis | Josef Urban | Camille Pitteloud | Jan Altman | Angela Stanisci | Keith Larson | Aníbal Pauchard | Dany Ghosn | Shengwei Zong | Pascal Vittoz | Michael Stemkovski | Simone Cesarz | Felix Gottschall | Marko Smiljanic | Lukas Siebicke | Rebecca A Senior | Lena Muffler | Zuzana Sitková | Luca Vitale | Mana Gharun | Pieter Vangansbeke | Pieter De Frenne | Agustina Barros | Lisa Rew | Valeria Aschero | Eduardo Fuentes-Lillo | Amanda Ratier Backes | J. Ardö | N. Buchmann | B. Heinesch | A. Varlagin | O. Roupsard | S. Wipf | M. Guglielmin | B. Somers | B. Blonder | K. Tielbörger | M. Pärtel | B. Graae | I. Myers-Smith | T. Høye | C. Rixen | J. Lenoir | F. Moyano | L. Vitale | J. Boike | P. Vittoz | L. Siebicke | Aníbal Pauchard | P. Boeckx | J. Aalto | G. Kazakis | A. Thomas | N. Eisenhauer | C. Rossi | T. Scholten | A. Rocha | E. Cremonese | M. Wilmking | L. Rew | R. Plichta | M. Luoto | M. Ueyama | M. Portillo‐Estrada | H. D. De Boeck | M. Ashcroft | F. Zellweger | P. Haase | E. Dorrepaal | S. Haider | J. Jiménez | R. Senior | I. Maclean | J. Wild | Patrice Descombes | J. Lorite | Mana Gharun | J. Homeier | Simone Cesarz | F. Gottschall | I. Nijs | A. Jump | J. Dick | Josefine Walz | L. Pellissier | M. Winkler | M. Svoboda | M. Pușcaș | A. Stanisci | J. Kreyling | J. Kemppinen | R. Kanka | Joseph J. Bailey | S. Curasi | F. Máliš | Zuzana Sitková | N. Cannone | J. Bruña | K. Hylander | H. Thomas | W. Pearse | P. De Frenne | A. Milbau | P. Vangansbeke | M. Kopecký | Martin Macek | J. Alatalo | L. Muffler | Robert Weigel | J. Altman | J. Doležal | Martin Svátek | M. Carbognani | A. Petraglia | M. Tomaselli | R. Björk | E. Frei | J. Speed | J. Urban | Koenraad Van Meerbeek | H. Pauli | Shengwei Zong | V. Di Cecco | Gergana N. Daskalova | F. Hrbáček | K. Láska | A. Lamprecht | K. Steinbauer | Stuart W. Smith | P. Niittynen | Camille Pitteloud | Christopher Andrews | Alistair S Jump | Ellen Dorrepaal | C. Andrews | P. Barančok | Josef Brůna | Roman Plichta | Nicoletta Cannone | Jian Zhang | M. A. de Pablo | M. Bader | S. Medinets | Andrej Palaj | S. Haesen | O. Candan | J. Kollár | Agustina Barros | S. Govaert | C. Meeussen | Toke T Høye | J. Lembrechts | Rafael A. García | Fatih Fazlioglu | Fatih Fazlioglu | František Máliš | Mihai Pușcaș | R. Matula | Pekka Niittynen | Jonas J Lembrechts | Michael B Ashcroft | Ilya M D Maclean | Rafael A García | Juha M Alatalo | Stuart W Smith | Robert G Björk | Joseph Okello | Martin Svátek | Shyam S Phartyal | Pavel Dan Turtureanu | Romina D Dimarco | Krystal Randall | Josefine Walz | Rebecca Finger Higgens | Aud H Halbritter | Salvatore R Curasi | Ian Klupar | Austin Koontz | William D Pearse | Mia Vedel Sørensen | M Rosa Fernández Calzado | Juan Lorite | T'ai G W Forte | Stef Haesen | Mats P Björkman | Sonia Merinero | Jiri Dolezal | Radim Matula | Andrew D Thomas | Joseph J Bailey | Miguel Angel de Pablo | Julia Kemppinen | James D M Speed | Francesco Malfasi | Maaike Y Bader | Rafaella Canessa | Jonas Schmeddes | Laurenz Teuber | Marek Čiliak | Pallieter De Smedt | Sanne Govaert | Khatuna Gigauri | Martin A Nuñez | Tudor-Mihai Ursu | Ronja E M Wedegärtner | Mario Trouillier | Lucia Hederová | Matěj Man | Peter Barančok | Róbert Kanka | Jozef Kollár | Andrej Palaj | Ana Clara Mazzolari | José Luis Benito Alonso | Valter Di Cecco | Liesbeth van den Brink | C Johan Dahlberg | Sergiy Medinets | Volodymyr Medinets | Hans J De Boeck | Lore T Verryckt | Gergana N Daskalova | Haydn J D Thomas | Isla H Myers-Smith | Patrice Descombes | Esther R Frei | Adrian Rocha | Juan J Jimenez | Brett Scheffers | David Klinges | Edmund W Basham | Zhaochen Zhang | Charly Géron | Onur Candan | Jhonatan Sallo Bravo | Filip Hrbacek | Fernando E Moyano | L. Verryckt | T. Ursu | D. Klinges | P. De Smedt | Hans J. De Boeck | A. Halbritter | Elizabeth G. Simpson | Rafaella Canessa | R. F. Finger Higgens | J. Okello | M. Trouillier | C. Géron | M. Čiliak | K. Larson | M. Stemkovski | F. Malfasi | V. Medinets | V. Aschero | C. J. Dahlberg | R. Wedegärtner | S. Merinero | Tim F. Seipel | Laurenz M. Teuber | Jörg G. Stephan | M. Björkman | M. Bauters | Khatuna Gigauri | D. Ghosn | S. Phartyal | Eduardo Fuentes-Lillo | T. Forte | A. Mazzolari | R. Dimarco | Christian D. Larson | Ian Klupar | Austin Koontz | E. W. Basham | Liesbeth van den Brink | Pavel Dan Turtureanu | K. Randall | Mia Vedel Sørensen | M. R. Fernández Calzado | Jonas Schmeddes | M. Smiljanić | Lucia Hederová | M. Man | Zhaochen Zhang | Jhonatan Sallo Bravo | L. Teuber | E. Fuentes-Lillo | Mats P. Björkman | Michael Stemkovski | V. di Cecco | M. Macek | Lena Muffler | Florian Zellweger | Onur Candan | Mario Trouillier | K. Van Meerbeek

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