Developing an Algorithm to Consider Mutliple Demand Response Objectives

Due to technological improvement and changing environment, energy grids face various challenges, which, for example, deal with integrating new appliances such as electric vehicles and photovoltaic. Managing such grids has become increasingly important for research and practice, since, for example, grid reliability and cost benefits are endangered. Demand response (DR) is one possibility to contribute to this crucial task by shifting and managing energy loads in particular. Realizing DR thereby can address multiple objectives (such as cost savings, peak load reduction and flattening the load profile) to obtain various goals. However, current research lacks algorithms that address multiple DR objectives sufficiently. This paper aims to design a multi-objective DR optimization algorithm and to purpose a solution strategy. We therefore first investigate the research field and existing solutions, and then design an algorithm suitable for taking multiple objectives into account. The algorithm has a predictable runtime and guarantees termination.