Optimizations of electron sources for short-wavelength Free Electron Laser (FELs) at the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY, location Zeuthen (PITZ) have been continued with a new radio frequency (RF) gun cavity, a new postaccelerating Cut Disk Structure (CDS) booster cavity and several upgraded diagnostic components. The new booster cavity allows stable operation with higher acceleration and longer pulse trains than the operation with the previous TESLA type cavity. Electron beams with a maximum mean momentum of about 25 MeV/c can be produced with the setup described in this paper. Together with the upgraded RF system for the gun and the new CDS booster cavity, the electron beam stability was significantly improved. A large fraction of the measurement program in 2010-2011 was devoted to study the dependence of the transverse projected emittance on the bunch charge. Measurement results using this upgraded facility are reported and discussed.