The proliferation of database-driven web sites (or web-databases) has brought upon a plethora of applications where both Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Data (QoD) are of paramount importance to the end users. In our previous work, we have proposed Quality Contracts, a comprehensive framework for specifying multiple dimensions of QoS/QoD; we have also developed user-centric admission control and scheduling algorithms in web databases, whose goal is to maximize overall system performance. In this work, we turn our attention to the user side of the equation. Specifically, we propose to demonstrate how the adaptation of Quality Contracts (QCs) by the users can lead to vastly different performance results, both from the user point of view (i.e., user satisfaction) and also from the system point of view. Towards this, we propose to structure our demo in the form of an interactive game, where participants will be playing the role of users continuously adapting their QCs over time, while "playing" against system-generated users, who follow predetermined QC adaptation policies. Finally, we also propose to illustrate the effect of different admission control and scheduling policies.
Alexandros Labrinidis,et al.
Preference-Aware Query and Update Scheduling in Web-databases
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering.
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Replication-Aware Query Processing in Large-Scale Distributed Information Systems
Alvin AuYoung,et al.
Service contracts and aggregate utility functions
2006 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Distributed Computing.
David Abramson,et al.
The Grid Economy
Proceedings of the IEEE.
Jie Xu,et al.
Quality Contracts for Real-Time Enterprises
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Column Heterogeneity as a Measure of Data Quality
Daniel Mossé,et al.
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Michael Stonebraker,et al.
Mariposa: a wide-area distributed database system
The VLDB Journal.