MAFIA Version 4

MAFIA Version 4.0 is an almost completely new version of the general purpose electromagnetic simulator known since 13 years. The major improvements concern the new graphical user interface based on state of the art technology as well as a series of new solvers for new physics problems. MAFIA now covers heat distribution, electro-quasistatics, S-parameters in frequency domain, particle beam tracking in linear accelerators, acoustics and even elastodynamics. The solvers that were available in earlier versions have also been improved and/or extended, as for example the complex eigenmode solver, the 2D–3D coupled PIC solvers. Time domain solvers have new waveguide boundary conditions with an extremely low reflection even near cutoff frequency, concentrated elements are available as well as a variety of signal processing options. Probably the most valuable addition are recursive sub-grid capabilities that enable modeling of very small details in large structures.