Topics in numerical analysis : with special emphasis on nonlinear problems
A Unified Approach for Bounding the Positive Root of Certain Classes of Polynomials with Applications.- Numerical Verifications of Solutions for Obstacle Problems.- On the Existence Theorems of Kantorovich, Moore and Miranda.- A Survey of Robust Preconditioning Methods.- A Box-Constrained Optimization Algorithm with Negative Curvature Directions and Spectral Projected Gradients.- Inclusions and Existence Proofs for Solutions of a Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem by Spectral Numerical Methods.- A Superlinearly and Globally Convergent Method for Reaction and Diffusion Problems with a Non-Lipschitzian Operator.- On Linear Asynchronous Iterations when the Spectral Radius of the Modulus Matrix is One.- Iterative Methods for Eigenvalue Problems with Non-differentiable Normalized Condition of a General Complex Matrix.- Global Optimization in Quadratic Semi-Infinite Programming.- Aggregation/Disaggregation Methods for p-cyclic Markov Chains.- A New Way to Describe the Symmetric Solution Set Ssym of Linear Interval Systems.- A Guaranteed Bound of the Optimal Constant in the Error Estimates for Linear Triangular Element.- Fast Verification of Solutions for Sparse Monotone Matrix Equations.- Laguerre-like Methods for the Simultaneous Approximation of Polynomial Zeros.- A Smoothing Newton Method for Ball Constrained Variational Inequalities with Applications.- An Explicit Inversion Formula for Tridiagonal Matrices.- On the Rate of Convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt Method.