An Extended Great Deluge Approach to the Examination Timetabling Problem

A two phased approach incorporating the extended great deluge technique is detailed in relation to the Examination Timetabling Problem as described in the 2 nd International Timetabling Competition (ITC2007). The approach proves to be both robust and general. Robust in the sense that it is capable of producing six of the best results published in literature so far on the benchmark datasets and general as the technique has produced in the recent past some of the best results on existing course timetab ling benchmark datasets. The datasets used as part of this research, introduced during ITC2007 , are described and discussed in detail. We present the results of our technique in relation to the competition results and provide a comparison between the outlined method and those of the competition entrants from the international arena, in order to highlight both cha racteristics of the technique on the datasets used.