Experiencias de mujeres con el tratamiento y manejo del síndrome premenstrual y trastornos menstruales Women's experiences with treatment and management of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual disorders

This study describes, from a qualitative approach, the experiences that some women have in Bogota, Colombia with the treatment and management of premenstrual syndrome or menstrual disorders, giving special attention to the socio-demographic and cultural contexts in which they are embedded. In order to develop this study, ten women diagnosed with PMS, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and metrorrhagia were given semi-structured, in-depth interviews. It can recognised that these women’s experiences were subject to their beliefs and cultural understanding, their support network, diagnosis, symptoms and its impairments in their daily lives, opportune treatment, and legitimization of their illness and effectiveness of the health care. Conventional treatments excel as a pillar for the management of menstrual discomfort for women regardless of diagnosis and whether or not they are receiving or not medical treatment at the same time.