Teleportation is a basic primitive for quantum communication and quantum computing. We address the problem of continuous-variable (unconditional and conditional) teleportation of a pure single-photon state and a mixed attenuated single-photon state generally in a nonunity-gain regime. Our figure of merit is the maximum negativity of the Wigner function, which demonstrates a highly nonclassical feature of the teleported state. We find that the negativity of the Wigner function of the single-photon state can be unconditionally teleported for an arbitrarily weak squeezed state used to create the entangled state shared in teleportation. In contrast, for the attenuated single-photon state there is a strict threshold squeezing one has to surpass to successfully teleport the negativity of its Wigner function. The conditional teleportation allows one to approach perfect transmission of the single photon for an arbitrarily low squeezing at a cost of decrease of the success rate. In contrast, for the attenuated single photon state, conditional teleportation cannot overcome the squeezing threshold of the unconditional teleportation and it approaches negativity of the input state only if the squeezing increases simultaneously. However, as soon as the threshold squeezing is surpassed, conditional teleportation still pronouncedly outperforms the unconditional one. The main consequences for quantum communicationmore » and quantum computing with continuous variables are discussed.« less