Abstract The paper presents the graphic features of two Computer aided control system design packages developed at the Faculty of electrical engineering and the Josef Stefan institute, both at the University of Ljubljana. The interactive program package for the analysis and design of control systems ANA and the CSSL type simulation language SIMCOS have been used in academic courses, in the research work and in industry for several years. As seen later both packages are connected very close to each other with respect to the use of graphical tools as well as with respect to their use in the practice. Special emphasis in the paper is given to the interactive graphic tools improvement due to the availability of corresponding hardware and software tools. The scope and mode of graphic communication in both packages have changed significantly in the last decade and as shown in the paper they range from very simple graphic result presentation in text mode over semigraphic presentation of block schemes up to full graphics.
N. J. C. Baker,et al.
The Sysmod Simulation Language
D. L. Kettenis.
COSMOS: A member of a new generation simulation languages.
Drago Matko,et al.
SIMCOS - Digital Simulation Language with Hybrid Capabilities
Drago Matko,et al.
Interactive Program Package ANA for System Analysis and Control Design
Drago Matko,et al.
Laboratory Pilot Plant for Modeling and Control Education
George B. Kleindorfer,et al.
Modeling noncoventional sampling schemes with a combined discrete-continuous language
F. Breitenecker.
The concept of supermacros in today's and future simulation languages