Odontoschisma Macounii and Its North American Allies

AMONG the hepaticae recently collected by Professor John Macoun in the Yukon Territory are several fruiting specimens of Odontoschisma Macounii, a species confined to the higher latitudes and hitherto known in sterile condition only. The species has had a rather varied history. It was first described by Austin,' in i872, as Sphagnoecetis Macounii, the original specimens having been collected in the Lake Superior region of Ontario in i869. A portion of this original material has been kindly furnished me by Professor Macoun, but unfortunately it does not appear to be altogether homogeneous. Some of the specimens are gemmiparous and are pale green in color, while others are without gemmae and are more or less tinged with yellow or brown. It is evident that Austin's description is drawn almost entirely from the pale specimens, which may therefore be regarded as the type of the species. It is very probable also that the darker specimens are not specifically distinct from the others, and that their coloration is due simply to exposure to the sun. Nevertheless, on account of their incomplete character, this question can hardly be settled definitely at present. 0. Macounii is either mentioned or briefly described by Underwood,2 by Pearson,3 and by