A servo motor driven multi-action press for sheet metal forming

Abstract The goal of the current study is to adapt a servo-motor driven multi-action press for forming of sheet metal parts under precise velocity control and variable blankholding force. The Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing [ERC/NSM] has developed a computer controlled multi-action press with two independently driven punches for research in cold forming of complex parts, using physical modeling techniques. Recently, the same press was modified and upgraded for use in sheet metal forming. As a result of its special design and construction, this press is highly controllable and can perform a wide range of sheet metal forming processes. Tests were conducted in order to obtain the actual press characteristics. Axisymmetric deep drawing experiments were performed with 1100-O annealed aluminum material using all three actions of the press. In these preliminary experiments, the crucial role of blankholding force control on final product quality and drawability was established.