In Situ Electrochemical Promotion by Sodium of the Platinum-Catalyzed Reduction of NO by Propene

The Pt-catalyzed reduction of NO by propene exhibits strong electrochemical promotion by spillover Na supplied from a β‘‘-alumina solid electrolyte. In the promoted regime, rate increases by an order of magnitude are achievable. At sufficiently high loadings of Na the system exhibits poisoning, and excursions between the promoted and poisoned regimes are fully reversible. Reaction kinetic data obtained as a function of catalyst potential, temperature, and gas composition indicate that Na increases the strength of NO chemisorption relative to propene. This is accompanied by weakening of the N−O bond, thus facilitating NO dissociation, which is proposed as the critical reaction-initiating step. The dependence of N2/N2O selectivity on catalyst potential is in accord with this view:  Na pumping to the Pt catalyst favors N2 production at the expense of N2O. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) data confirm that electrochemical promotion of the Pt film does indeed involve reversible pumping of Na to or from ...