
The ahibition 'uld in the UssingJ. ROSD/.waltJ Callny qf the I Valin I-I. & IAJnore Amltnbng Rare Book and Manuscripl li.brary if the Univtrsig of Philo.dtfphw..from 23'" &ptembn {I) 23'" Dtumbn 2005 is shown in lu-</ve walL cases (approximauly 190 x 132 ctntimcUrs), which in their tum de/ermined the ukctioTl and presmto.lwlI qf thtmts. 77u catalogue is lIIunbmd by dispkJy case and ilens within it; sec/ions IX and X oj the catalogue each occupy two casu. Measurnnni/.$ OTt in ctntimelNs, height before width. Every item (or some asptct of tach ilnn) is ilius/ratui, with lite exuplwn qf 'he last